Waveplus Network & Wireless Cards Driver

Yale Z-Wave Plus Network Module - AYR202-ZWV-USA. 4.6 out of 5 stars 20 product ratings. 4.6 average based on 20 product ratings. 18 users rated this 5 out of 5.

  1. Rosewill AC600 WiFi Adapter/PCI-E Wireless Adapter/Network Card, Dual Band Wireless 11AC Wi-Fi Card/Adapter, Up to 433 Mbps (5.0 GHz) + 150 Mbps (2.4 GHz) - RNX-AC600PCEv3 4.1 out of 5 stars 1,327 Personal Computers.
  2. Z-Wave 700 Series End Device Software Features and Benefits. The Z-Wave 700 Series End Device software from Silicon Labs enables end devices such as security sensors, doorlocks, light switches/bulbs and many more to benefit from the pre-certified Z-Wave applications, all certified under the latest certification program from the Z-Wave Alliance.

17 May Z-Wave vs Z-Wave Plus: Making Your Security Smarter

Posted at 16:11h in ADT Control, Alarm.com, New Equipment and Features0 Comments

Do you have devices that have Z-Wave? You may want to know that Z-Wave Plus is now available. But what’s the difference between the two? That’s what I’m here to talk about. So let’s look at Z-Wave vs Z-Wave Plus!

What is Z-Wave Plus?

According to its website, “Z-Wave Plus™ is a new certification program that helps consumers identify products that take advantage of the recently introduced ‘Next Gen’ Z-Wave hardware platform, also known as 500 Series or 5th Generation Z-Wave. Z-Wave Plus certified solutions feature a selected set of extended features and capabilities that enhance the end user experience and make Z-Wave installations even faster and easier to install and set up.”

How is Z-Wave Plus better?

Here are some of the features of the new Z-Wave Plus vs the Z-Wave:

  • 50% improvement in battery life
  • 67% improvement in range(Z-wave Plus devices now have a range of 50-70 ft compared to its predecessor’s range of 25-30 ft.)
  • 250% more bandwidth
  • Three RF channels for improved noise immunity and higher bandwidth
  • New Plug-n-Play Network-wide Inclusion feature
  • Improved self-healing and fault tolerance with Explorer Frame feature
  • Standardized method for Over the Air firmware updates (OTA)
  • Improved product information capture for product certification database

But Z-Wave Plus and Z-Wave both have a few elements that affect their effectiveness:

  • Absorption (certain materials will absorb an amount of the z-wave frequency)
  • Jamming (900Mhz devices intercom, baby monitors, cordless phones)
  • Reflection (microwaves, windows, TVs, mirrors)

Those things could vastly shorten the distance and reliability of your home automation network with Z-Wave.

What panels have Z-Wave Plus?


Most of the newer panels have Z-Wave Plus, like the ADT Command and the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. Unfortunately, the older models and ADT Pulse gateways don’t have it.

But all Z-Wave Plus devices are backwards compatible with Z-Wave devices. So if you don’t want to replace all of your Z-Wave devices, you can still integrate them into new Z-Wave Plus panels.

The Qolsys IQ Panel 2 plus even has diagnostics on the keypad to help determine the strength of the Z-Wave Plus network. (See image)

Does Z-Wave Plus cost more?

While there is a small difference in prices with Z-Wave Plus compared to Z-Wave, it has more to do with additional features. Ultimately, you’re getting a lot more for the small increase in price of products.

How Zions Security can help

Zions Security offers many devices that are Z-Wave enabled. If you need help getting devices with Z-Wave Plus, talk to us! They can all be found in the shop.

Areyou interested in cool and futuristic wireless protocols that will let youcontrol your home appliances from the palm of your hands? If you are, then our Z-Wave vs. Z-Wave Plus guide can helpyou.

Now,Sigma Designs’ newest products, the Z-Wave and the Z-Wave plus, are guaranteedto make your home a smart one.

Allyou have to do is:

  1. Purchase the product
  2. Set it a suitable place
  3. Connect it to most of your wireless home appliances
  4. Control them via an application that can be downloaded on your phone, tablet, or electronic devices

The main question is which one is better amongst the two? Well, that is where our article comes in to play.

We have thoroughly discussed all the functionalities, advantages, etc. of the products and focused all the relevant information we have gathered on putting an end to the topic of Z-Wave vs. Z-Wave Plus, once and for all!

Further Read:Z-Wave and Beyond – What is Z-Wave & Everything You May Know!

What Is Z-Wave Plus?

TheZ-Wave Plus might have a similar name to the classic Z-Wave yet is so different.After the introduction of Generation-5, the Z-Wave needed to be updated, andhence, manufacturers came up with the Z-Wave Plus.

Itis a certification product, similar to the Z-Wave, which lets you connect homeappliances to itself and lets you command them without needing to do anyphysical work.

A Z-Wave Plus is perfectly compatible with the next-generation technology, including a couple of more perks such as extended battery life and range, OTA (Over The Air) update, and backward compatibility with the previous versions.

Key Difference between Z-Wave and Z-Wave Plus:-

The Z-WavePlus is an efficient and enhanced extension of the Z-Wave, and there are goingto be numerous differences. And in this section, we shall be discussing all ofthem thoroughly.

  • Functionality

Theirfunctionalities might seem the same, but it is not so simple. The Z-Wave Pluscertifies the 500 Series or Gen-5, which allows it to do more complex dataprocessing.

  • Battery Life

TheZ-Wave Plus has a 50% more battery support than a classic Z-Wave. Therefore, itallows for prolonged usage.

  • Detection Capabilities

A Z-WavePlus can detect frequencies that are almost 200 feet further away. This issomething that the Z-Wave was incapable of as it has a much smaller detectionrange.

  • Data Processing

Whenmanufacturers were developing the Z-Wave Plus, they gave the device a higherbandwidth, 250% more than the previous Z-Wave. This allows faster detection aswell as efficient processing of the data.

  • Others

TheZ-Wave Plus allows better detections and ensures maximum efficiency due to itsnew explorer frame. Furthermore, its three new F channel allows enhanced detectionand improved connectivity as well as easier installations of new devices.

Hence, we can see that the Z-wave plus is very different from its predecessor.

What Are the Similarities Z-Wave Classic and Z-Wave Plus Share?

The similarities that the Z-Wave Plus and the Z-Wave have are that they belong to the same company, their functionalities, and their goals. And the main purpose of both the products is to make life much easier for you at home by connecting all the devices.

They have similar goals, as well. If you have any one of them installed, then you can say bye-bye to getting up on holidays and turning on the heater or switching off the fan on chilly weather or turning on the AC on a hot day after a hectic day. So, the other similarity is to make your work less when you are home.

Benefits of Z-Wave Plus

These are the benefits of Z-Wave Plus:

  • Faster Processing

Asthe Z-Wave is compatible with 5th generation technology, which gives itexceptional data processing attributes. So, you can make a command, and thecommand will be instantly conveyed to the device or check the status of yourdevices and see instant feedback.

  • Better Detection

TheZ-Wave Plus can detect signals as far as 200 feet away from itself. This allowsyou to properly detect waves that are further away and quickly receive andprocess it. It is also capable of detecting bandwidths up to 250% of Z-Wave.Hence, no wave or signal is missed by the device

  • Capable of Functioning for Prolonged Times

It has a much powerful battery than the Z-Wave. This allows you to use the Z-Wave Plus for prolonged periods without the need for recharging or anything.

Backward Compatibility: Can Z-Wave Plus Work with Regular or Classic Z-Wave Products?

Thenew Z-Wave Plus was given a revolutionary new update, which is its backwardcompatibility. This means that it can be connected with all the previousdevices, and you can access all the initial data as well as updates in theprevious versions.

But like everything, there are cons to the backward compatibility. One disadvantage is that you won’t be able to enjoy the high range of the Plus. Finally, if you are using devices that were compatible with the previous versions, you will not be able to enjoy any of the new features that the Plus has to offer.

What Will Happen If You Connect Your Z-Wave Plus Product to Your Classic Z-Wave Network?

TheClassic Z-Wave is not compatible with the Gen-5 like the Z-Wave Plus. So, it isnot capable of functioning like its newer version. This means that unlike Z-WavePlus, the classic one is not capable of processing mass data or signals at highspeeds.

So, if you are planning to use devices that are for the Z-Wave plus in the classic one, then drop the idea! Devices that can be supported by the new Z-Wave plus cannot work on the previous one. Furthermore, in doing so, you can potentially harm the Z-Wave Plus and, therefore, increases the chances of accidents.

Waveplus Network & Wireless Cards Drivers

How to Recognize Z-Wave Plus Devices?

Locating a device that is compatible with you Z-Wave Plus is quite simple and easy. To identify a device that is accordant with any Z-Wave is that you have to find a Z-Wave Plus logo on the device. If it does, then your device is compatible with the Z-Wave Plus.

Z-Wave vs. Z-Wave Plus Cost – Is Z-Wave Plus Costly?

Well,the Z-Wave Plus is a better version of the classic Z-Wave! Hence, it should besurprising the Plus is more costly than the classic one. But the differencebetween the Z-Wave and the Z-Wave Plus isn’t much! And like the Z-Wave, the Z-WavePlus is worth buying.

Waveplus Network & Wireless Cards Drivers

Furthermore, if you are looking for something that ensures better connectivity, functionality, and reliability, then paying a little extra shouldn’t be much of a big deal. After all, quality always wins over quantity.

Final Words – Who Is This for?

Manyconsumers are drawn back by expensive home appliance protocols. But, the Z-WavePlus ensures that it gives you all the advantages of those expensive ones atthe most affordable rates. Furthermore, if you are a gadget geek and want yourhouse to look modern and futuristic, then this going to be the best buy yet.

Thearticle has shown these facts clearly by scrutinizing and discussing all theattributes of both the products. And so far, we say that the Z-Wave Plus is thebetter option, and if you are using the classic one, we urge you to quicklychange and enjoy the new and amazing features that this one has to offer.

Finally,make sure that you are purchasing the original device. There are lots of fakesor faulty Z-Waves out in the market. And we urge that you carefully check theZ-Wave as well as certificates for authenticity.